Training Course Program
Lean Kaizen - 4-day course
the road to continuous, systematic improvement in the lean direction
course contents and main topics
Do you know what Industrial Performance is and which are its main components? and which ones are the most essential to know and monitor? do you know how to measure and attach an index to a quantifiable component, and how to measure un-quantifiable components (for instance: "reputation on the market") of your enterprise's Performance? do you know how to create internal questionnaires and scoring methods? Learn how to measure the main parameters of your enterprise Performance, and how to monitor them at a glance through a radar chart (more »).
Economical Performance: how to conceive, personalise and set-up a basic Industrial Cost Control system: forget cost centres, start considering profit centres associated with your vital processes - how should all direct costs (materials, labour, consumables, etc.) be monitored and recorded - when and how to take into consideration the impact of general expenses on costing and pricing - how to establish a working and continuous correlation between budgets and forecasts and the Industrial Cost Control system - how to set up simple but effective schemes to prepare price lists, offers and quotations. The final target: know your profitability in real time at any time. How should a cost reduction program be conceived and implemented.
Productivity: Is your enterprise sufficiently productive? How do you know? Productivity and its main composing parameters can and must be understood and measured. How to establish the gap between your ideal and your present productivity index. How to start conceiving corrective measures to reduce the gap. Understanding value-added in your processes and waste inherent in them (more »). Understanding the link between Quality and Productivity. How to associate a Productivity monitoring system to an Industrial Cost Control system for full control of the enterprise's operational aspects.
Approaches to Performance Improvement - the World-Class Performance concept.
Quality: how to measure and monitor all Quality-related parameters, in a simple and non-bureaucratic way. Understanding Costs of non-Quality (CNQ). Setting up a CNQ monitoring system. (more »)
Enterprise's operational Performance: now it's in your hands. What other components of your enterprise's Performance should you beneficially measure and control? How to use simple, basic software to keep all Performance Indices under continuous control.
About Improvement: do you know that a "static" enterprise's destiny is stagnation and failure? Is your enterprise improving? Continuously and regularly? In a measurable fashion? In all aspects of its Performance? Is the Management of your enterprise seriously committed to improvement? Is everybody, within your enterprise, aware of the strategic importance of improving on a daily basis? Is everybody active in this regard and effectively contributing to improvement? Do you "know where you stand", to begin with? Are you measuring your present Performance level? In adequate detail? Do you have a clear, "at-a-glance" picture of the situation at any moment in time? If the answer is yes, then you may consider serious, real improvement. (more »)
Improvement starts by identifying the "gap" and setting the target. For this there are absolute methods and relative methods. Benchmarking: is it suited to your enterprise? Or should you rather choose a personalised method?
Before going wild into improvement initiatives, have you taken into due consideration the "direction"? Today, the only valid direction is the Lean Direction!
Explaining the Lean Direction and the key to World-Class Performance: Lean Thinking (more »). What does Lean Thinking mean.
The scenario: the world has changed - the environmental change must be understood and managed effectively.
The pre-requisites for World-Class Performance: a) be prepared to abandon the "formula" - b) have a clear "direction" and ensure effective communication: "let people know where you are going to..." c) get there: by deploying "lean" tools.
The 4 Organisational Models in industrial history: to which Model does your enterprise respond? Is the Model suited for high, lean performance? (more ») Workshop : Scanning an Organisational Structure and defining the most appropriate strategy for "lean" performance. Interactive exercise.
Why many private enterprises and public/semi-public organisations don't "perform": the root causes of poor performance date back to over 2 centuries ago. We have gone into the 21st century, with enterprises designed in the 18th and 19th centuries to perform well in the 20th... Is our Industrial DNA still polluted by those obsolete principles that gave birth to the first Industrial Revolution? Case studies.
The origins of Lean Thinking - 1. Remember! Irrespective of whether you fish it, you farm it, you breed it, you mine it, you manufacture it, you mill it, you brew it, you construct it, you simply sell it, or you dance it or sing it... no matter what you do - you must generate value for your customers!
The origins of Lean Thinking - 2. Remember! Everyone that works in your organization is doing one of three things: a) They are generating value for your customers - or, b) They are creating or reshuffling waste - or, c) They are doing absolutely nothing. The market leaders will always have the majority of their people dedicated to the first of these.
The 5 Core Concepts of Lean Thinking: 1) Value (as defined/perceivable by the customer) 2) Value Stream (the way Value is produced and delivered) 3) Flow (internal: Organisation-side, and external: Customer-side) 4) Pull (the Value Stream must flow pulled by the Market) 5) Excellence (the continuous improvement of a Lean Organisation) (more »)
Value Adding Management in Industry: the pilot light and driving philosophy for the new millennium. (more ») Focusing on processes to maximise value and eliminate waste. Today's relationship between value, productivity, and quality. How to "re-engineer" an enterprise for generating high levels of output value.
Productive Process Time and Cost Analysis : identifying value-adding and non-value-adding activities - Case studies: "spot the waste!" Systematic Elimination of Waste in industry. What is waste : classification of waste. Halting waste proliferation - Reducing waste - Eliminating waste. Case studies. The target : Flow Process, or processing with no waste.
Improvement simply and always means : "improving the value generated by the core processes of an enterprise" - all the rest is "spurious", fictitious improvement. How to avoid the "perfect black & white TV set" mistake. Setting the Lean Direction is a milestone in a Continuous Improvement program. How to rank Lean Improvement Projects, and how to set priorities to ensure release of utmost improvement power at all times. How to conceive, initialise, launch and implement a valid Continuous Improvement program. How to identify, define and list problem and weak areas in your enterprise and how to transform them into Lean Improvement Projects. How to transform threats and criticalities into opportunities.
The essential ingredients of the Lean Kaizen style of continuous improvement: team-work, brain-power, poor-man approach, tools, techniques, decision-making abilities, planning abilities, monitoring system. The step-by-step, continuous, systematic approach.
Lean Kaizen preliminary targets: reduce the steps by half - reduce the time by half - reduce the errors by half. Lean Kaizen subsequent targets: cut the steps to Value-Adding only - cut the time to Value-Adding-time only - zero defects.
Lean Kaizen - the old and new tools for seeing, measuring and eliminating waste: Time Observation - loading Bar Charts - the 5W2H approach - the 5Why method - the TAKT-time principle - Communication Circles - Process and Value Stream Mapping - Spaghetti Diagram - Flow Charting - Poka-Yoke. Practical exercising and case studies. The core tool: Creative Thinking. How traditional Problem Solving should be adapted and enriched with creative ammunitions to generate solid improvement.
The SOCO (5S) approach as a starting point (more ») - Halting waste proliferation - Reducing waste - Eliminating waste. Case studies.
The nitty-gritty of inadequate, non-lean team-work. Workshop: effective team-work for lean improvement. People are the key to real improvement: how to transform team-work into a powerful improvement tool.
The Implementation Stage: a delicate step. How to plan Lean Improvement Projects so that they won't fail. Lean Project Management is the key, and modern Lean Project Management should be a common practice in the SME to assure that all projects, including Improvement Projects, will be adequately planned, made waste-less, scheduled, estimated and budgeted, executed successfully, and thoroughly monitored and controlled. (more »)
The resistance and opposition thinking to the Lean transition: the table of excuses - the "batch" mentality - the "push" mindset - the "conveyor" mentality. How to overcome resistance and reluctance.
How to prevent loosing improvement momentum, and how to keep everybody committed to improvement.
Thinking. The ultimate resource. The main differences between old-world traditional, automated thinking and new-world proactive and creative thinking. The Second Industrial Revolution.
The future scenario. How will world-class enterprises be in 10 years' time? Will our present and "comfortable" model change drastically into new, leaner models? Will the pyramid flatten to minimal levels? Will Employment as we know it today gradually disappear? Understanding the trend and getting ready for the future challenges.
course duration
Duration: 32 hours (typical)
course objectives
"a very thorough and comprehensive programme on all aspects of lean kaizen"
Walk away with the power to:
- Understand, assess and measure (enterprise's) Performance and its main short, medium and long term components (value-added, productivity, output quality, profitability.... climate, image, reputation, culture....)
- Learn simple and basic Indexing Methods and graphic tools, suited to monitor "at a glance" the essential parameters of an enterprise's Performance
- Know how vital is launching valid programs of continuous Performance Improvement utilising effectively the most precious resource of the enterprise: People.
- See the real direction, the lean direction, to be taken when aiming at improvement, by focusing onto core processes of the business, and avoiding marginal, spurious "functional" improvement.
- Understand that only by enhancing the added-value generated in core business processes and eliminating any form of waste inherent in those processes can and should the enterprise's overall Performance improve.
- Understand how Lean Thinking has evolved since its inception, and how it applies to different sectors, operations and business processes
- Understand in depth the Lean Thinking philosophy, performance goals and critical success factors
- Know how to develop a lean culture within your Organisation
- Use lean ideas to think about process improvement in your own organisation and its value-chain
- Develop a strategy and a medium-term implementation plan to incorporate lean principles into your core and support processes
- Learn practical methods to rank and prioritise areas to be improved, in order to generate and maintain an adequate level of improvement momentum which could otherwise be lost.
- Learn basic and simple tools for initiating and generating the wanted improvements: basic, modern rules governing effective and efficient Team-Work will be illustrated, together with basic criteria for modern Problem Solving and Opportunities Generation in creative mode.
- Understand that improvement is best handled as a Project, and that as such it requires the adoption of basic, modern Lean Project Management approaches as the most adequate to produce Performance enhancement.
- Avoid the common pitfalls normally encountered during Lean implementation
- Explore the key requirements for successful employee involvement in Lean practices
- Discover the organisational structures that support Lean and open the door to Performance improvement
- Implement strategies to increase Performance through Lean-Thinking people while assuring their job satisfaction
This course is very interactive and supplemented with abundant practical exercises and case studies
target audience
Business Strategists - Chief Executive Officers - Managing Directors - General Managers - Continuous Improvement Leaders and Champions - High and mid-level Managers (Operations, Production, Quality, R&D, Engineering, Maintenance, HR, Administration, Commercial…..) from private enterprises (manufacturing and assembly - service establishments and commercial enterprises - project/contract-driven and construction) of all sizes and public/governmental organisations.
The very small enterprise (up to 20 employees) will particularly benefit from participating in this course.
from the desktop of Dr Carlo Scodanibbio
Dear Delegate(s),
Nothing will happen in those enterprises that do not know where they stand. No real improvement can take place... Because they stand in soft, loose ground, or even quicksand.... so that any attempt to improve will most probably make them sink even more...
Knowing the present level of performance by measuring it creates a solid launch pad and an associated tension from which subsequent improvement initiatives can get powered and take-off.
An important objective of this course is to enable participating enterprises to learn how to "measure".
The most important objective of this course is to make participating delegates aware that, today, the only possible and valid "direction" for improvement initiatives is the "lean" direction.
Many enterprises have undergone continuous improvement programs without a direction. Caught by improvement enthusiasm, people have tried to improve just "anything", at 360°, following the motto "today better than yesterday, tomorrow better than today". This is what I call the "black & white TV set mistake", or going for spurious, fictitious improvement that leads nowhere.
To go somewhere, enterprises must go "lean".
Lean Thinking is changing the way organisations operate. No longer stuck in the paradigm of "mass" thinking, many enterprises, including service and project-driven companies as well as governmental bodies/institutions, have tried to adopt some portions of the Toyota Production System, the Lean philosophy. Many have failed. Many have rushed off, taken a course and pronounced themselves LEAN. Yet very few have tested the depths of overall performance enhancement and added competitiveness possible with a complete change of paradigms in the "lean" direction.
Going "lean", or targeting at real "excellence", is a total "thinking revolution".
This course will be a shocking course for many of you. Because it demystifies all traditional principles of the first industrial revolution on which the majority of enterprises, still today, are built or around which they operate. By presenting in rather great detail the philosophy of the second industrial revolution and the main tools and disciplines readily available to all enterprises to perform in an "excellent" status, this course is a door-opener to lean practices for whoever is: ready to listen to message - prepared to abandon obsolete principles, formulas and approaches - willing to get to "lean" status.
This course will prove that competitiveness today can no longer be achieved by merely cutting costs or revamping technology: because cutting costs has a floor, while performance improvement through maximisation of value-added and waste elimination has no ceiling -and because technology alone does not generate the levels of output value enterprises and organisations need to tackle the challenges of the new millennium.
By showing that "thinking" is what must change at all levels of an organisation, this course will prove that higher levels of performance can be achieved if you create the right conditions.
I hope to see you there, best regards
Dr Carlo
You are welcome to request further clarifications about this course - please be as specific as possible. Just contact Carlo Scodanibbio
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