consulting services
training services
reading material
the world-class, lean performance formula
" a rapidly changing world, featuring vanishing borders and hot, global competition, all Enterprises, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), can and should today perform operationally as the 'best in the classroom' by adopting the lean formula:"
World-Class Industrial Culture (Lean Culture)

The world has changed. Dramatically. Irreversibly.
The world continues to change, at a higher and higher speed...
The rules of the game have changed - once and forever.
There is a keyword, representative of this change:
World-Class approach to Market and Clients

A relevant phenomenon - very representative of the change - is the clients' transformation.
After the world has changed, clients have become monsters.
Monsters are never satisfied.
They want more and more, day, after day, after day...
World-Class Products and Services

Monsters like variety and undivided, personal attention: like to say, variety of food and personalised food.
Today, monsters may be happy with some spaghetti, but tomorrow they want tortellini.
And the day after a full Italian antipasto, and lasagne, and...
World-Class Operations (Lean Operations)

Eventually, lunch time comes and the monster must be fed.
Manufacturers must give products (and service) to their monster clients.
Project-driven enterprises must give the object of the project (be it a dwelling, a ship, a bridge or the....
Lean Value Chain

Entrepreneurs, Enterprise People: do you know that the very secret of existing and operating as an enterprise lies in the fact that your enterprise belongs to a Value Chain?
In fact, the secret of success for any new-world enterprise is to be " the right moment in time...
Lean Human Resources Management

People. People make the difference between failure and success.
Because only involved personnel, using creatively their brain and taking up responsibilities can enable an enterprise to face effectively the tough challenges of the years ahead....
major lean training programmes
organised by Carlo Scodanibbio
Those below are just two examples. Similar training programmes - presented in English, Italian or French - can be organised world-wide on request. All events of these programmes are now also offered in Tele-Training/Online-Training or Webinar format. Details below.
Lean Management Training Program
Malta 2015
Lean Management Training Programme.
A comprehensive suite of Lean Training Courses, Seminars & Workshops.
For details click here
Lean Management Training Program
South Africa 2015
Lean Management Training Programme.
A comprehensive suite of Lean Training Courses, Seminars & Workshops.
For details click here
Tele-Training, Online Training, Distance-Training, Webinars
Tele-Training/Online-Training/Distance-Training/Webinars are a reality.
A) In-house Tele-Training. All training courses, seminars and workshops (view ») offered by Carlo Scodanibbio are readily available: just get in touch by email or phone (contact page ») and planning can start.
B) Public Webinars. Starting from September 2020, a number of Public Webinars will be available.
Just check this page for further announcements.
free services - special offers
How "lean" is your Organisation?
Self-assessment Questionnaire

How far is your enterprise from "lean status"?
# Are you just planning of going "lean"?
# Have you just embarked on the "lean" boat?
# Are you well advanced with "lean" initiatives and progresses?
In all cases, this free Self-Assessment Questionnaire could give you lots of hints, tips, and food for thought...
For details click here
How far is your factory from TPM targets?

How far is your factory from TPM targets?
# Are you just planning of starting a TPM implementation programme?
# Have you already deployed some TPM and Autonomous Maintenance principles?
# Are you at "TPM-Champion" stage?
In all cases, this free Self-Assessment Questionnaire could give you lots of hints, tips, and food for thought...
For details click here
Special Offer to all SMEs world-wide
Show the waste to your people!
If you are interested in organising an "in-house" (at your premises) Training Course with a duration of 3 days (24 hours) or more, you will get an extra day of my time (at no charge) to show your people your own "in-house" waste.
How? Through my video-camera.....
For details click here
Free Tele-Consulting

The first tele-consulting service (via Skype or by Email) is free to all SMEs world-wide and to all participants in my past courses.
Just fill a simple form or send me an email with your request for assistance.
NB: my free intervention can only be on a specific rather than generic problem.
Get it now - for details click here
Some spammers launch e-mail campaigns that look like messages sent by
We, as well as other respected names, are the victims of spammers who are forging/faking/spoofing our email addresses.
It is totally beyond our control, and we regret very much that we cannot stop it. We have nothing to do with such spam, which is a misrepresentation of our good name. We do not send, and have never sent, spam email of any sort. In fact, we strongly oppose the act of "spamming".
If you have received such spam email we are sorry, but emphasize that it was nothing to do with us and was beyond our control.
lean disciplines
lean techniques
all Industries
Lean Management

"" ...the end of the Smith & Taylor Scientific System...""
Lean Thinking
Lean Management Principles
The "Lean Project"
The "Lean Master Plan"
Management of the "Lean Project"
Value Stream Mapping
Old & New Improvement Tools
Old & New Waste-fighting Tools
Manufacturing Sector
World Class Manufacturing

World-Class Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing
Continuous Flow Manufacturing
Value Stream Mapping
Intelligent Kanban
Total Productive Maintenance
Autonomous Maintenance
Quick Change-Over
Lean TQM: 6-Sigma & Poka-Yoke
and others
Project-driven Industry
Lean Project Management

Lean Project Management
Lean Construction Management
Lean Risk Management
Lean Planning & Last Planning
TOC approach in multi-project situations
Intelligent PPC
and others
Service Industry
Lean Process Engineering

Process Improvement & Management
Lean Process Engineering
Lean Customer Care
Value Stream Mapping
Spaghetti Diagram
Communication Diagram
and others
all Industries
Lean HR Management

Total Employee Involvement
Total Employee Performance
Lean HR Management
The "Figaro" model
all Industries
Lean Kaizen

Lean Kaizen (continuous, step-by-step improvement in the Lean direction)
Lean Team Work
Old & New Improvement Tools
Old & New Waste-fighting Tools
Clipart and Media Material in this page, with thanks to:
FreeDigitalPhotos and their Authors:
Danilo Rizzuti
Suwit Ritjaroon
Guidecucina - Pianetadonna
J. Barta & Boris Vallejo